Friday, December 24, 2010

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Suzuki Masajo

Monday, December 20, 2010

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duas Rolas, Abrigada da chuva
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

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Are you jealous of the Ocean's Generosity? Why Would You
refuses to Give
this joy to anyone? Fish do not

Hold The sacred liquid in cups!
Theys swim the huge fluid freedom.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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floating in orbit of Desire

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photo by Ryan McGinley

Friday, December 10, 2010

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photo of Namiko Kitaura

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au miroir de mon corps
les traces de l'enfance et une
Maturité naissante

Sunday, December 5, 2010

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it rains and it rains in this city
another city

Friday, December 3, 2010

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Him a word
me a note -
the quick fall

(Takahama Kyoshi)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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estão com um manto drapeadas
branco e tambem
cmea flocos of
brancos sonhos como o algodão

Friday, November 26, 2010

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men of the forbidden

"Every year, the Wodaabe ( man prohibited ) live separated from each other, each in his family, his flock behind . Once a year, is the great meeting, worso. New party costumes are sewn, different lineages are invited. All young people appearing before the women who admire and criticize. Everyone tries to imitate the mating dance of birds. Those who are closest are selected, then go with it which elected, as long as love, one night a year or a lifetime. "(Marie-Laure de Decker, photographer)

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photo of Marie-Laure de Decker, a man of the nomad tribe Woodabe (Chad)

Friday, November 19, 2010

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Again it's time to go to the mountain
to find a cave to hibernate. I will not lie

: the mountain is not mother, caves are like eggs
gaps where
pick my flesh and forgetting. Again
see on the slopes of solid mineral veins and nerves
petrified, maybe
in ancient times were traveled by chills
living creature.
Today, after millions of years, the mountain
is timeless and does not know how our life

or how it ends.

There is, beautiful and innocent in the fog, and I come in perfect indifference

ball and delivered to me the idea of being another substance.

I came for the umpteenth time to pretend my resurrection.

stone In this world no one is happy with my awakening. I will be myself and I'll play

and if my body is still the soft part of the mountain

know I am not yet the mountain. Things

in Corps of José Watanabe

Saturday, May 8, 2010

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080 - S. John Chrysostom


De vita, 3, 11

If all carry the burden, as if they were one, there are more reasons for joy.

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079 - S. Augustine

In Ioannis Evangelium Tractatus, 7, 12

And God, if you know you must be of benefit, the grant will (health), and if not give it to you, you do not have it for you .

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078 - S. Gregorio Magno

regulates pastoralis, 3, 12

of good health for the soul serves the discomfort of the body. The disease shows the weakness and reform the soul, the purification of sins and punishes those who might be committed. Physical pain and suffering makes us silent, reminds us of our sins and brings us for consideration everything we have done wrong. So, by getting outside, inside we grieve over our sins, and through the injury, the wound is purified hidden heart.

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077 - S. Bernardo

De diversis sermonibus, 111

Sometimes our faith is expressed so hesitant about the stuff here, as it seems that we have very firm about future (...). What kind of disbelief is this? Rather, is it that greater madness? As if it could be uncreated Wisdom deceive or mislead the eternal Truth! As if his infinite charity would not give us what is offered or Omnipotence could not give us what was promised!

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076 - Bible - Old Testament

Is 50, 2-3

Does my arm has been shortened to save or not and I have power to deliver? Just my threat, dry the sea and rivers around in the desert until their fish die from lack of water and die of thirst their living. I review the skies of a veil of shadow and I cover as de-sac.

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075 - Shepherd of Hermas

Man 9, 6

Those who are perfect in faith ask for all, full of trust in the Lord, and they receive because they do not hesitate.

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074 - S. Leo the Great

Nativity Homily I in


None are excluded from this joy is common to all the cause of this joy, because our Lord, victorious over sin and death, having found no free man of conviction, has come to save us all.

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073 - Bible - New Testament

Rom 12, 16-21

dear you do not ye yourselves in wise, to anyone you return evil for evil, trying to do good, not only before God but also before all men; live in peace, if possible, and everything from you, with all men (...). Be not overcome of evil, but seeks to overcome evil with good.

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072 - Bible - New Testament

Mc 1, 17

Come follow me, and I will you fishers of men.

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071 - S. John Chrysostom

In Matthaeum homiliae, 12, 1

Jesus Christ, the Judge of sinners, is to be baptized among the slaves.

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070 - Bible - New Testament

1 Cor 2, 4

My way of speaking and my preaching was not with enticing words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of spirit and power of God.

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069 - S. Clement of Rome

Epistola ad Corinthios, 16

And if the Lord wanted to hide, what we do we who live under the yoke of the soft grace?

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068 - S. Leo the Great

Homily 3 in Epiphania Domini, 5

know that all this began to be held since a star led, bringing them from faraway lands-to three Magi to know and love the King of heaven and earth. The submission of the Magi is being proposed as a model, so that, as we can, we support this grace that pushes everyone to Christ. Anyone
pious and chaste lives in the Church, who relishes the things above and not from the earth (cf. Col 3, 2) is somewhat similar to this heavenly light. Itself while retaining the brilliance of a holy life, shows many star-like the road that leads to God.
Encouraged by this zeal, Bear one to each other, dear, to brilléis as children of light (cf. Ephes. V, 8) in the Kingdom of God, where you get the true faith and good works.

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067 - Pseudo Macarius

Homiliae 40, 1

The sentence depends on love.