Homily 3 in Epiphania Domini, 5
know that all this began to be held since a star led, bringing them from faraway lands-to three Magi to know and love the King of heaven and earth. The submission of the Magi is being proposed as a model, so that, as we can, we support this grace that pushes everyone to Christ. Anyone
pious and chaste lives in the Church, who relishes the things above and not from the earth (cf. Col 3, 2) is somewhat similar to this heavenly light. Itself while retaining the brilliance of a holy life, shows many star-like the road that leads to God.
Encouraged by this zeal, Bear one to each other, dear, to brilléis as children of light (cf. Ephes. V, 8) in the Kingdom of God, where you get the true faith and good works.
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