Friday, July 4, 2008

How To Build Retaining Wall From Sleepers

The War of Women (1851)

During "The War of Women" - Volume I, has just closed the first half of the seventeenth century, King Louis XIII of France died, and Louis XIV is just a child. Anne of Austria is then the queen regent and Mazarin cadenal governs his side, not to say that it is he who holds the reins of government.

This has stoked tensions existing in all France, arousing a struggle for power and has begun a regrettable but necessary process: the civil war.

runs parallel events to work "Twenty Years After" where referred to in deeds done in the men's side, but unlike this show beyond doubt that the kind of war that women can perform is less bloody, but much more formidable. There

the party of the princes and the king, is the ordinary war. But the Princesses exert their own war in an extraordinary way and that in addition to military practices, delegated to its officers and gentlemen, used intrigue, conspiracy, identity theft and how most terrible weapons of love, jealousy, anger and revenge.

During "The War of Women" - Volume II, civil war has taken a nearly irreversible and the characters try to win at all costs. Eventually everything in their lives will be summarized to save or lose the hero of the story, but events are moving too, too many people trying to change the destiny of France, his own and that of our man.

After his escape from Paris that we saw in "Twenty Years After, Anne of Austria, Cardinal Mazarin and Louis XIV himself out to fight his enemies with the air of superiority that characterizes those who know the power holders. Only by seeing the reality of civil war, what really has changed in the War of Women, is that the Queen Regent and Princess helped test their skills measured by the opinion of their male advisors.

all came to a climax where it is impossible to determine whether Providence or fate, love or hatred, revenge or mercy will carry the day.

From the work of Auguste Maquet standing partner, Alexander Dumas in his habit of "dumasiar History" gives us an undeniable sign of their identity as the creator of the historical novel, full of intrigue, romance, sarcasm, adventure , comedy and tragedy, that after going through his pen is nothing short of superb.


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