Cecilia's story begins in the grim days of the French Revolution, his parents, belonging to the French nobility have to suffer the consequences of accession to the monarchy, and Cecilia, as a small child, must become the basis migrated into exile with his family survivors and remains of his fortune.
Alexandre Dumas, in further evidence of their undeniable artistry has to lecture, very particular, about how decisions are made have consequences in the future. Cecilia's fate is always subject to the decisions of others, but above all, face the dilemma that involves being caught between two worlds: the one who dies in France and being born in the world for some years.
But the story of Cecilia is really a love story, Dumas describes to us how Cecilia is growing and is formed into a beautiful woman whose spirit is a symbol of purity, admired and revered by more than one person. And when he met Cecilia who is the love of his life and start living their new emotions, to be surprised by so many of which have been protected for a long time.
We will see that not only the decisions, wishes and whims of others influence the lives of Cecilia, also the circumstances and the inevitable facts of life. No doubt this work is instructive in many ways, also little known but very beautiful.
advantage because of a masterpiece, captured on paper by the magic pen of Alexandre Dumas and back to life in their new digital format for you to do yours, forever.
Alexandre Dumas, in further evidence of their undeniable artistry has to lecture, very particular, about how decisions are made have consequences in the future. Cecilia's fate is always subject to the decisions of others, but above all, face the dilemma that involves being caught between two worlds: the one who dies in France and being born in the world for some years.
But the story of Cecilia is really a love story, Dumas describes to us how Cecilia is growing and is formed into a beautiful woman whose spirit is a symbol of purity, admired and revered by more than one person. And when he met Cecilia who is the love of his life and start living their new emotions, to be surprised by so many of which have been protected for a long time.
We will see that not only the decisions, wishes and whims of others influence the lives of Cecilia, also the circumstances and the inevitable facts of life. No doubt this work is instructive in many ways, also little known but very beautiful.
advantage because of a masterpiece, captured on paper by the magic pen of Alexandre Dumas and back to life in their new digital format for you to do yours, forever.
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