Forty-seven letters have come into our possession, we do not know how or why, but the words contained in them may represent happiness or unhappiness of two people, the fortune or misfortune of two souls, and the continuation or the end of two lives.
In one of them we rescued the following sentence:
"My God! Your righteousness is never wrong, but the shots that you reserve the guilty, misdirected by an angel once invisible, reach the innocent. "
And when the innocent are unfairly paid the debts of the guilty, sometimes Providence charge to correct the blunder, but can not intervene directly to not reveal itself, makes use of angels, inspirations, or maybe ... a dove.
The dove is the messenger then that failing to bring revelations of heaven, is responsible for carrying some of these forty-seven letters, but above all, to giving a ride one of the most precious cargo that may depend on two things.
Know this beautiful story born from the pen of Alexandre Dumas, which is perhaps his only attempt to romanticize a complete frame using only obituaries, and today has been rescued from oblivion for you to possess it forever.
In one of them we rescued the following sentence:
"My God! Your righteousness is never wrong, but the shots that you reserve the guilty, misdirected by an angel once invisible, reach the innocent. "
And when the innocent are unfairly paid the debts of the guilty, sometimes Providence charge to correct the blunder, but can not intervene directly to not reveal itself, makes use of angels, inspirations, or maybe ... a dove.
The dove is the messenger then that failing to bring revelations of heaven, is responsible for carrying some of these forty-seven letters, but above all, to giving a ride one of the most precious cargo that may depend on two things.
Know this beautiful story born from the pen of Alexandre Dumas, which is perhaps his only attempt to romanticize a complete frame using only obituaries, and today has been rescued from oblivion for you to possess it forever.
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