Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Earphones Brain Tumors

Alfred Jarry

ELEMENTS Pataphysics

A Thaddeus Natanson.


is an epiphenomenon which is superimposed a phenomenon.
Pataphysics the etymology and spelling must be written actual 'pataphysics preceded an apostrophe to avoid an easy pun, is the science of that which is added to metaphysics, either by itself or outside of itself, extending as far beyond that above that it beyond the physical. And
epiphenomenon being often the accident is especially pataphysical science of the individual, though they say that there is no science of the general.
It will study the laws which govern exceptions and will explain the universe supplementary to this one, or less ambitiously, will describe a universe that we can see and that maybe we to see in place of the traditional laws that are believed to discover the traditional universe are also correlations of exceptions, though more frequent, in all cases of accidental events, reducing to some outstanding exceptions, not even the lure of the singularity.
DEFINITION: Pataphysics is the science of imaginary solutions, which symbolically grants outlines the properties of objects described by their virtuality.
Contemporary science is based on the principle of induction: most people have seen this phenomenon most often precede or follow another, and conclude it always will. First
this is true that most often depends on a point of view, and is coded according to convenience, and more! Instead of stating the law of falling bodies towards a center, would prefer that there be that the ascent to a periphery of the vacuum, the vacuum is taken as unity of non-density, much less arbitrary assumption that the choice of unit concrete positive density water?
because the body itself is a postulate and a sense of perspective from the crowd, and, if not his nature to at least its qualities do not vary too much, it is necessary to postulate that the size of Men will always remain essentially constant and equal to each other. Universal consent is already a well bias miraculous and incomprehensible. Why everyone says it that the shape of a watch is round, which is patently false, since he sees a figure in profile narrow rectangular, elliptical, three-quarters, and why the hell did we noticed her shape than when you look at the clock? Perhaps under the guise of help. But the same child, who draws round the clock, also designed the square house, according to the facade, and that obviously no reason for it is rare, if not in the campaign, he way an isolated building, and even a street facades appear as trapezoids very oblique.
We must therefore necessarily admit that the crowd (counting the little children and women) is too coarse to understand the figures elliptical, and that its members agreed in the consent-called universal because they perceive that the curves a single household, being easier to coincide at a point in two. They communicate and are balanced by the edge of their bellies, tangentially. But even the crowd learned that the universe was made of true ellipses, and the citizens retain their own wine in tons and not cylinders.
order not to abandon our digression common example of the water, meditate on it in this sentence that the soul of the crowd said followers irreverently Science pataphysical:

Faustroll SMALLER THAN Faustroll

A William Crookes.

"Other crazy constantly told that was the same tempsplus large and smaller than himself, and published many similar absurdities, as useful discoveries."
The Talisman Oromana

Dr. Faustroll (If we can speak from personal experience) would be one day shorter than himself, and resolved to explore one of the elements, to examine what kind of interference that difference in size would bring in their mutual relations.
He chose the body usually liquid, colorless, incompressible and horizontal in small quantities of curved surface, deep blue and edge reciprocating back and forth when it is extended, Aristotle said, as the ground of a serious nature; enemy fire and reborn from him when it is decomposed with explosion that vaporizes at a hundred degrees, it determines, and solidified himself floating on the water, whatever! And having been reduced as a paradigm of smallness, size classic mite, he traveled along the leaf of a cabbage, inattentive to the mites and colleagues expanded aspects of everything, until he met the water.
It was a ball, twice as high as him, through the transparency of which the walls of the universe seemed to him to make huge and his own image, reflected in the silvering obscurely leaves, raised to the stature he had left . He hit the ball a slight blow, as we knock on a door: the eye deorbited of malleable glass "cope" as a living eye, became presbyopic be lengthened depending on its horizontal diameter to the ovoid myopia, pushed by the elastic sphere and refutes Faustroll inertia. Dr.
rolled slowly, not without great difficulty, the crystal globe to a nearby planet, slipping on the rails of the ribs of cabbage, close together, the two spheres mutually s'aspirèrent stringing them up, and the new world, double size, free Faustroll placidly before.
the tip of his boot, Dr. crossa the unexpected element: an explosion, great chips and sound, sounds, after the screening to the new and tiny round spheres, dried to the hardness of diamond, which rolled to and fro along the green arena, each involving itself in the image of point tangent of the universe as it formed the projection of the sphere and which she expanded the fabulous center.
Beneath all, chlorophyll, a green school of fish, followed its currents known in the underground channels of cabbage ...


A Christian Beck.

"You, you see, said gravely Giromon; you, I'll take your dress to sail pouiouse: your legs for masts yards to your arms, your body frame, and I will f ... by the water with six-inch blade into his belly as ballast ... And when you're ship is your big head to serve as a figure of the front so I baptize thee: the ugly b ... "
EUGENE SUE La Salamandre
( Le Pichon joueic deis devils).

Bosse de Nage was a monkey Papion cyno-qu'hydrocéphale less and less intelligent, for this defect, as his equals. The red callus and blue that they wear on the buttocks, Faustroll had known, a Medication curious move and transplant it to him on the cheeks, one on azurin, scarlet on the other, so that his face was flattened tricolor. As
not happy, the good doctor wanted him to learn to speak, and if Bosse-de-Nage (so named because of the double projection of the cheeks above described) did not know fully the French language, he pronounced enough Belgian few words correctly, calling the rescue belt slung on the back of the ace of Faustroll "swimbladder with inscription above," but mostly he preferred a monosyllable tautological:
"Ha ha," he said in French, and he added nothing more.
This character will be very useful in this book, as a stop for too long intervals of speech: use as Victor Hugo (Les Burgraves, Part I, sc. II):

Is that all?

- No, listen again:

And Plato, in several places:

(42 citations in Greek that we believe to be here one day ... [Transcriber's note])

relationship ensues Rene Isidore Panmuphle.

Alfred Jarry


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